Friday, September 08, 2006

stufstock 2006

this post is kind of over due, but better late than never.
exactly one week ago i went to the stufstock festival. now, let's take it from the beginning. stufstock was originally started to help preserve the seaside resort of vama veche, to keep it as untouched by the tourist industry as possible. it was a succes so this year it was the 4th edition of the festival.until now it was free, but i guess after seeing the succes it has the organisers decided to sell tickets..well sort of, they were a paper thingy around your wrist. the cool thing about them is that they are water resistant. you can imagine how stupid it would be not to be able to take a bath in the sea because you want to see the festival

before the holiday i talked with a friend of mine and we decided that we'll go together to the festival. summer passed and we didn't keep in touch. i was anxious to go to the seaside and decided to go with my brother..tomorrow. but then another friend asked me if i want to go with her to stufstock. i called cosmin but he couldn't make it. finally it was settled that i would go with another person. in the last moment we were three. me, crina and cristina, a friend of deea.(complicated, no? :p )not without some adventures we got on the 17:48 train to mangalia. over 5 hours to mangalia and then a 15 minute trip by mini van to vama veche.

i have never been to vama veche and i was really excited to see it because everybody who went there praised it. and it didn't disapoint me at all. because of the chilli weather and the newly introduced tickets to the festival it wasn't as crowded as it had been in the years before. several clubs in bucharest move to vama veche in the summmer, even those that are not as welcomed as the rock ones, like bavaria which erected a huge building that everybody hates. also someone had the "brilliant" idea of organising "liberty parade" there, but they had trouble with the usual groups that comes there formed mainly of rockers. native to vama veche are "la epava" (the shipwreck" and la "pirati" i really like them because thei're plain and simple: three walls, a bar, tables and chairs, boose, and rock :). but unfortunately you can't find the exact same thing in bucharest :(.

after securing tickets and a place to stay we went to the festival wich had allready started at five in the afternoon.the festival was divided into two main stages and spread along 3 days. day one and two were for rock on the marina park stages and folk at the "soni stage" . day three was jazz night in "marina park" we missed nine bands and i feel sorry for blazzaj, e.m.i.l., kumm, and zob. the bands alternated on two stags, when one was singing the next was preparing so there was very few time between two bands. we arrived at subscribe, a hardcore band from hungary which also opened for deftones at their romanian concert. lots of screaming and jumping around, that's what i got from them :p. urma was ok, don't know many songs from them but they're interesting. alternosfera is a band i like and they impressed not only through performance, especially instrumental, but through video projections. and then came o.c.s. meaning omul cu sobolani (the man with rats) almost everybody came there for them. they managed to give a pretty good performance, fans were not disapointed. so ends the first night of the festival, but we stayed up a little more and drank some wine.

day two, saturady. in the morning it rained. i could hear the rain pouring outside and i didn't lke that because i wanted to enjoy some sun or maybe a bath. when we got up you couldn't tell it had been rainig just hours before.the only incovenience was the wind that was blowing and chilling everything.after eating something we went on the beach. later on it got warmer and i had my long awaited swim in the sea :D.
the second festival day started at five but while the girls were taking a walk on the beach i went there at about eight to see travka, my favourite romanian band:D i skipped havoc, protest urban, icory, defect and i arrived when grimus was still playing. i was impressed by them. glad i got there early, this way i could stand close to the stage when travka sang. and finally they came.they started with their usual intro (wich i absolutely love) and then came the song travka, one of my faves. they also played songs from their latest album so i didn't sing along to them but they sounded good and we got a little taste of the crowd pleasers. travka doesn't have many fans, altough i think the're great compared to other bands, but at least they are loyal. we all felt bad when they left, but that's life:p. anyway, next week i'll see them in concert again :D. next came magica, some kind of romanian nightwish. we left to go to the folk stage. but there was no room inside and you couldn't hear much outside so we went to drink a beer at"la epava" we got back to see implant pentru refuz finish. they also opened for deftones, so you can pretty much guess what they're singing :p. then came altar a pretty angry band :p. i have a friend who's a fan, it's too bad we wasn't there to trully apreciate the moment. the moment that everyone was waiting for was getting closer. phoenix, the monsters of romanian rock took the stage and drove the crowd wild. i've heard different opinions about their performance but i, as someone who is only vaguely familiar with their songs, got a pretty good impresion. the gods left, enter gandul matei (cat's thought) another band i like a lot. no new albums from them so i got to listen a lot of the songs i like :D. i was beginning to get tired and it was cold outside so they were just the thing to liven up the fans..well, again, few fans but loyal.another band i was waitng forward to seing was luna amara (bitter moon). but i'm sad to say that they were the disapointment of the evening and probably of the festival. everybody wanted to hear their angrier songs, instead they killed us with ballads. when they finally sang a great song their concert was over :(. i don't know how target, the last band, sang because i ,and almost everybody there, left the ends stufstock for me

after that i stayed on the beach with cristina to see the sunrise. we met with some people and hanged out, drank some beer..and when we finally remembered why we were there the sun was allready up :p. we didn't get any sleep at all because we left early for mangalia to take a train back home.
well, that's pretty much it. i had fun and i want to return next year with more people :D ....................................-waiting for the sunrsise-

-people are still having fun at eight o'clock in the morning in vama veche-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss so bad those days...