Saturday, September 16, 2006

a fine evening at the stadium

here i am again, thursday evening, match day in the uefa cup :D
after we disposed of sk sarajevo, we were playing against nacional madeira from portugal. the name didn't tell me much, but so did our game so i didn't know what to expect. but i was confident that in front of a packed stadium (as packed as it can get, considering that half of it is closed for repairs) rapid has no problem winning

i had allready purchased the ticket monday so i wasn't stressed.i arrived there an hour early to catch a good seat where i usualy stand. i changed my location after i saw gullit. it's not that different being with someone at the stadium. he is pretty active too, not that i care anymore what people around me do, because i sing constantly.

the fans prepare for the game.two drums are brought right where we stand. the team's song is played on the speakers and everybody holds their scarf up or waves a flag and ofcourse they sing. i love it when the entire stadium sings. te game begins.rapid is atacking at the goal towards us not to the other one as they usualy do. i wonder, is this bad luck? rapid lacks some clarity especialy near the goal so we only get to see some misses in the first minutes. but wait,moldovan, good old number 99 gets the ball dribles once and shoots to the far corner..GOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!! everybody is extatic. the goal came well, ten minutes before the break to shatter the adversaries morale.

during the break i pop in some music..aahh.. i love my mp3 player. let there be rock :D.

second round begins. rapid starts to take control of the game but the portuguese still manage to attack. i noticed they have some black players that are pretty dangerous if left alone. rapid is all over them but they keep missing the target. zicu doesn't score today either (when wil he score? we're getting sick of him)so he gets replaced. maldarasanu get's sent in to the end of the game and everybody screams his name. it's good to have him back after over 150 days of absence . the game is going our way, but no more scoring. the game ends, the team salutes the fans. we're happy but we would have been happier with two or three goals scored. a tough game awaits us sunday with steaua. every game against them is hard but since they crushed dinamo kiev in the champions league their morale is excellent. let's hope that constantin recovers until then. mazilu, the new striker is a very good player, let's hope he can do what zicu and griffiths didn't manage to do.
i got home extremely tired.. but happy that it was a fine evening at the stadium
i'm definitely looking forward to more european games

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