Saturday, September 30, 2006


remember this?

as i was climbing the stairs i got an sms from my "wife", but that's a whole other story. maybe i'll blog about it some day

well, it seems that "some day" is today.

in the beginning there were no words

our paths crossed on roportal and at first i only read some of her posts and that's it. no other interactions. she had a strange behaviour.. she seemed to be very smart but always got into fights with other users and usually she was the one starting everything. she was not shy at all and the language would get offensive pretty quick. so, one day i decided to ignore her on the forum's chat. done, no more words from her. soon, the chat became pretty annoying because whenever she entered i couldn't "see wht she wrote and all the answers directed to her only confused me more. so, after a few tries i managed to unignore her. i guess that was it. we started talking. she proposed :p, as in me thw wife :p but i said that maybe it would be a better idea if she were the wife.

some time passed and we didn't speak, until one day, someone gave her my id. so it began. at first it was mostly fooling around, pretending we were a married couple and stuff. i discovered a different person from the one on the forum. a person you can begin to actualy like. the forum is just another playground for her. many people don't know who they're dealing with so they fall in her trap. she has quite a number of "victims" :p. and so we went for weeks talking almost every day. it developed into quite a steady thing with webcam sessions.

she's a fan of luna amara (bitter moon) and they were going to have a concert in bucharest on the 29th of september (last night) so she decided to come. only one problem: where was she going to stay for the night? i wasn't sure if i could but i offered and eventualy got my mother to agree (simpler that i thought it would be)she arrived thursday evening after a 8 and a half long train ride from cluj. poor girl was very tired. it was setttled that she would sleep with me because my brother said that he comes home too tired from work to share the bed. hey, i didn't mind, thanks bro :D. neither did she, she said she didn't want to sleep alone, and we're al grown peole here... well, a gentleman never tells but i can share this secret with you: at one point my lips were numb :D.the next day we were both pretty tired because we didn't get much sleep. she said that it's my fault, but we both know that we're both to "blame" :D. we woke up pretty early but stayed in bed for a couple of hours..(insert whistling). after officialy waking up we went outside. we saw some exhibits about the francophony summit, and some paintings and then went for a walk through cismigiu park. after that took a little walk to the roman square, and since we were there we went to the uni to check if they displayed on the board the new groups for the third year. well, they were still renovating and because Reea was tired we didn't search anymore and went straight home. in the evening we met with some people she new from another forum. crazy dudes. had a tone of laughs with them. luna amara was playing towards the end of the show and we weren't so kean to see the other bands so we decided to leave and come back later. but we were 7 poeple and we couldn't all fit in the car, so 2 guys took a ride in the trunk. whenever we stoped at an intersection we would signal them and they would start screaming and banging. i remember the shocked face of a woman in a bus next to us =)).a lot of stupid and crazy things ahappend that night. we got back to the club but luna amara wasn't on stage so we started having fun our own way: mocking the band on stage and fighting with popcorn. when the band we were all there for took the stage we went in front. the show was kick ass great. unlike when they played at stufstock this show was angrier, more energetic. ofcourse there was some agitation and i was kicked and shouved while protecting Reea from pogo, but as long as she was allright i didn't mind that. after that we went in fire club and danced a while but it was to crowded and full of smoke so we decided to get back home. took a cab and that was it for the night.

today we didn't do very much. we both managed to get some sleep. because the sun was shinning and reea has sensitive skin we didn't go out. instead we wached a movie, bitter moon (not related to the before mentioned band) just like i suspected, she was a good person to see a movie with. we both comented on it, not just me (as it usualy happens :P) took her to the station. after seeing the train i remebered that not anyone can travel first class like i do, and the prospect of her soending almost 9 hours in there didn't make me happy. neither the dubios guys that were inside. we kissed good bye for about 4 times before i actualy left.
she's still in the train. in 2 hours she will arive in cluj. i'm kinda busy and her computer is dismantled because she's renovating her house so i guess i'll talk with her again in a couple of days.

after comment : it seems my mom wasn't so thrilled. Reea was tired and a little stressed and she usualy doesn't eat too much and not everything. my mom on the other hand tried to be a gracious host but she stressed herself with cooking and stuff. i don't get it, and i didn't approve the fact that she comented about food. ofcourse my parents managed to embaras me with their "cute" remarks. eh.. i guess it's generation gap issue..


Anonymous said...

Cool story.... romantic too. Awwww!!pikachu25

Anonymous said...

Avand in vedere ca scrii si esti constient ca oamenii citesc iscaliturile tale nu poti scrie totalmente sincer, ceea ce ma deprima.