Saturday, September 16, 2006


last night i went to see my favourite romanian band, travka, in concert. this has been the fourth time i've seen them live and in two weeks time there will be another concert :D. i went with her, black, and her sister. well, black came later in the club. it was my second time in club utopia. the first time i went there i got stuck in the bathroom, not a very pleasant event :)))). at first there weren't many poeple but it got crowded near the beginnig of the concert. dogma openned for them. never heard of them. they got a chick singer, she's cute, but the sound guy kinda messed with her voice and we kept hearing apologies between songs.

a little break and then it's time for what everyone came there for: travka.

flashback- some years ago i was watching alternative nation on mtv tromania. and they had the alternative competition in which bands would perform live and the viewers would pick a winner. the winning band would have a video made by mtv. i have no idea who won but among the bands i noticed one i realy liked. it was called travka. i made a mental note tp remeber this band, but of course i forgot about it :p. a few months i noticed a status on yahoo messenger..something about a dwarf. it was weird. i asked what it is and i got a song: travka-zambetul tau (your smile) hey, i know this..i remember this name. and that's how it started. to this day i can't remember what they played all those years ago but i know i liked it and i know i like them very much right now.

they changed their intro part. this one was ok but i was waiting for the one i knew because i like it very much. then georhe, the singer took the mike and the concert really began. i was expecting some more songs from the newly released album (actualy, have some doubts they released it, altough there are new tracks...) but they enchanted us with their most popular songs. well, i say popular, but i mean popular amongst the fans which aren't that many. on the more faster songs poeple got wild and there was some pogo. unfortunately some dude was overeacting, the singer saw that stopped the concert and told him to get out. of course that guy was imediately evacuated. they took a five minute break and then took the stage again. who-hoo..great songs. sadly, iulia and ana had to leave because iulia wasn't feeling good :(. eh she's ok now, altough she gave me a little scare. so it was only me and black. well, he joined the pogo crowd and i was standing in a corner screaming my lungs out on my favourite songs. it's really nice to see the bands you like perform live in front of you. it's such a great feeling when you recognise a song from the first guitar squicks :p. as usual when they left everybody wanted more, and they delivered an encore, and they were really gone. i'm looking forward to that concert on the 27th in club a :).

on the way back i walked a great deal of the road with black. after we got separated i took a cab home. it wasn't very far from my home and i could have walked but i had an unpleasant happening some time ago and i wasn't going to risk a god night turning into a bad one. i was lucky too. the cabby charged me the normal fee, considering the distance was quite short for bucharest. as i was climbing the stairs i got an sms from my "wife", but that's a whole other story. maybe i'll blog about it some day.
got home, turned on the computer... the usual....

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