Sunday, September 24, 2006


prologue- i hate rain!

i only managed to sleep for about six hours. and it wasn't a very good sleep 'cause it rained all night and it bugged me. my brother got up at about 8 and that was it for my sleep. i hate rain. i hate the dim grey light, the clouds, the annoyng sound. i hate it because of the opportunities i missed because of it. i hate because the streets get flooded and my jeans always get dirty. i hate the chill in the air, that's how i cought this darn cold. stupid autumn rain. stupid autumn. my birthday is in autumn and i guess it's like that so i can at least have one joy in this gloomy season. some people like autumn because they can meditate. well, being alone with my thoughts seems to be a very dangerous sport for me lately, so there you go another reason to hate the rain. as much as i hate waching the rain i hate it even more when i'm outside. and i had to go to the super market to buy some stuff. i was tired, ill and i had to wait around so i got bored too. i was nervous that we hadn't planned anything for the coming night. oh yeah, i forgot to mention that it was tiamat concert night. yeah.. well, finally we got our act together and managed to set up a time and place to meet. with whom? with ana, iulia and some friend of theirs.

feast for eddie

we met as planned. nobody knew for sure where the place was so we got out of the tram and walked a while, but we followed the crowd and everything was honkey dorey :p. at the entrance we received a flyer about some protest concert that will be held in october. it seems that the parliament is about to discuss a law that prohibits any offence brought to religion. it is feared that this will lead to a wave a censorship that will affect books movies, plays and rock concerts.
ilya came a little later but we managed to meet, only to get separated again :p
the concert was held in a sports center, not very big.
two bands opened for tiamat. first one was kratos. well, they didn't impress me very much. the sound was dreadfull at the first songs and their style growling with chick isn't quite my favourite. the girls at the sinthesizer was cute, and they also had a girl play the flute for a couple of songs. me and my brother went to buy beers.there was a pretty long line, after al it was a rock concert.when we got back the second band was allready on the stage, grimegod. i was surprised to find out they're romanian. i thought that they were foreigners, but both bands were from romania. grimegod was noticeably better that kratos. another style something towards hardcore, better sound, better voice, and a little more action on the stage. i mean the singer jumped around, banged his head..pretty cool. something to look for when i feel like banging my head against the walls :p.
i went to the bathroom and then searched for ilya. as usual i was on another planet and i was searching for her in the wrong place but she saw me and it was ok :D. it was break time. we talked about this and that, past concerts, future concerts. i expressed for the hundreth time my desire to see a maiden concert. it was nice :). and then the lights went down and tiamat took the stage. the crowd imediately started screaming. i took the daring quest of getting back to my wasn't easy but somehow i managed to get through the crowd.
now it was time for the real show. tiamat drove the crowd wild. "it's about time we all stand up and vote for love" shouted the singer.very cool concert, a professional band a very ethusiastic audience. just like in placebo's case i'm not familiar with all their work but they played some of the songs i knew and my favourite "wings of heaven". very active crowd, they clapped their hands shouted and used their lighters during the ballads. when the band came for the encore people were clapping and chanting but they stopped when the singer got to the microphone." no, don't stop. we like it when you do that. we like it very much" ,he said and the crowd imediately cheered. they sang three or four songs including the sleeping beauty, which i like better live, and gaia which was the one that ended the show

epilogue- into the blackness!

after the concert we rounded up everyone and started walking home. we were planning to walk for as much as we can and then take a taxi cab for the last part of the trip. but it seems that things were not supposed to go as planned. my brother met a friend of his from brasov. she was suposed to meet with a friend in a club, but she had no idea how to get, my brother offered to take her there. of course that meant that i would take her there because my brother doesn't know bucharest as well. i told the girls that we had to escort our friend and asked them if they would manage on their own. they said it was cool so we went on our way towards the club. this was a real test for my orientation skills. i had to remember certain bits of the road and it took me some time and a couple of misses to finaly get to our destination. we dropped her at the club, walked for a while and then took a cab home.
when i arrived home i turned on my computer to copy some movies my brother brought. knowing that some of my friends are night owls too i started yahoo mess. well, it seems the girls weren't so cool after all. i found an off line message from iulia saying that she is really mad with me because i dissapointed her again, and maybe we shouldn't go anywhere together since i can't be depended on. instant depression, just ad memories. i felt like a black veil fell over me and darkened everything. i really took it bad and all those depressive thoughts that i believed i had left behind came back to haunt me again. at first i apologised and explained that it wasn't my fault, but as my mood got even darker i started writing more and more. i tried to spit out as much as i could but i was tired and lost my line of thoughts. i wrote almost anything that came to mind then ... i was miserable, because i realised that i'm not free. my demons just wait for the right oportunity to strike again. into the blackness i went again..let's hope that i only went to close the door.....

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