Wednesday, October 18, 2006

mega update


well, it's not like stuff ceised to happen and i had no material, au contraire, but i just didn't feel like it. do i feel like it now?..well, not much. but picture this: deni with a gun pointed to the yahoo messenger window in which she's talking to me threatening to shoot me if i don't blog soon. well, it didn't quite happen like this but it pretty much seems fair to satisfy her curiosity as long as i keep telling her to blog. and i cannot keep the wolrd away from my creative genius :))))). so here it is, the mega update named so because.....well, because.

hello, stranger!

in this day and age comunication is something different from what it used to be. through the internet you get in contact with all sorts of people from all sorts of places. there's a virtual everything now inluding comunities.

for the last 7 months i've been part of a such comunity named roportal. it's one of the biggest romanian forums with over 30000 members. i am in the top ten posters so you can imagine that i managec to interact with some people. chatting on the internet is strange. what you get is not always what the other person sent. well, a bunch of us from the forum got closer to each other and formed virtual friendships, even families :))))).
just talking on the internet is not enough so we decided to meet. sme of us had allready met before and it was fun so there was a favorable precedent. at first, this meeting started as a small thing but it grew larger as more and more members expressed their wish to come to the meeting. most of them were old users but there were also new ones or people i di't know so well. some people really got involved in this. i mean some of them came from far way to meet with, basicaly, strangers. it was set up for a sunday in a bar owned by a user's brother.
that morning i got up at about ten and a half and just as i was in the bathroom i got a call from puiu. he came to pick me up with his car. so i got to meet 3 persons from the forum, includin one of my "aunties":). we went for a little shopping and the met with other people coming from out of town by car. meanwhile, another group was waiting in the station for those coming by train. operation roportal had begun. the meeting place was a former football fans pub but not an ordinary fans pub, a rapid fans pub :D my kind of place :D. i was surprised to find out that almost everybody who anounced their arrival came.we were quite a diverse crowd varying from bio-engineers and lawyers to actors and prosecutors. the thing i liked the most is that altough we were many people from different backgrounds no one felt out of place and we each found something to do or talk about. the moments of awkward silence were rare if any. we ate, laughed, drank, took a lot of photos, we had fun. just like the former meeting i atended there was a game on tv. we played against dinamo. very important game. well, i had no sound but i had a chair put in a corner from where i could see the game. i was happy 'cause we had 1-0 at the break. afetr that i kept seeing dinamo score and i knew it was all over :( . gradualy peole left until at about ten the party was over.
puiu took me in his car but we didn't go straight home, well, not to mine anyway. we firat dropped off arana and shadow in the othewr part of the city then finaly made our way towards were we live. i was pretty tired and a little bit nausios. plus reea kept asking me to come online. i felt bad that i couldn't talk to her. she had left the day before and, of course, i missed her....

voyage to the center of

....i missed her....
and it came to be that not a whole week had passed and i was on my way to see her.
the day before i had some boring old classes at the uni and after that i went at my brother's work place to help around and earn some cash :D. i arrived home late and tired. took a shower, loaded music on my mp3 player and got to bed at around 1 am. 4 hours later got up and went to catch the train to cluj. i bought 8 batteries to last for the trip.
"this is not the weay, the way i wanted to be"...anathema is ringing in my ear and i'm waiting at the subway. half an hour later i have my ticket and i'm boarding the train. around me people..i put my headphones on and fade out. i have no trouble sleeping in trains as long as there is a confy seat and with music in my ears even better 'cause all the potential disturbing noises stay away from me. the part up until brasov is very familiar to me so the first 3 hours had nothing new to offer me. just as i fell deeper into a state of sleep killswitch engage came on and woke me up instantly with their blood curdling scream :)))). sadly the first battery died just before brasov. dmn..over 5 hours to go and one battery down. damn this player is starting to become greedy. luckily i brought book (unfinished tales of middle earth and numenor) to buy me some more time. so i alternated music, sleep and reading to pass the time.
at first it wasn't so cold but then it got really chilly and i started shivering. it rained all the way to campia turzii. in brasov i dropped a package for my brother. fish, his favourite :D.
finaly arrived at cluj and got out of the train. the weather was fine, no more rain just some clouds. looked around and..noting. where is she? for a moment i feared that she wasn't there...pfew..she was :D. my beautiful girlfriend was coming towards me. we kissed and hugged and then i took her hand in mine and made our way to the bus station.
she was still renovating the house so everything was upside down:p. met her parents and they turned out to be ok people :), not that i was expecting something else. the first official reason to come to cluj, one that lost its importance pretty quick, was the anti drog rock festival held on the airport grounds. we were planning to go to whre her mother is working and listen from there but it was too far away so it was imposible to hear anything. we weren't going to enter because it was expensive so we stood on the grass near the airports fence. the stage was turned away from us so when the concert began, a few hours behind scedule, we couldn't hear much. we didn't care much about the music anyway, we found more pleasyrable ways to pass the time. finally it got pretty cold, so cold for me that she had to put her arms around me to keep me warm.

the next day we went sightseeing. first we went to what was supposed to be an antiques fair, but there werent too many antiques. next, the art museum. a friend of hers wroks there so we got in free. i saw some very nice paintings and sculptures in there but also some weird ones :p. then we went to the museum of transilvanian history (yeah all you foreign dudes reading this, cluj is in transilvania) we also visited two catholic churches and climbed on a hill called cetatuia. we were pretty exhausted so we decided to skip the bothanical garden. when we got back at her place we found that everything in her room was wet(!!!) her dad forgot to check one if the fawcetts from the heating instalation so water sprang out when he turned it on. that ment that we had no bed to lay on. in the evening we went to the basketball court and then watched how romania kicked belarus's ass in the qualifyers for the european championship.
sunday last day there. we didn't do much. we got up, ate and then went to the station. i didn't want to leave. i stayed on the platform holding her in my arms up until it was time for the train to go. climbed aboard turned on my music and i was off. i applied pretty much the same recipe: music, sleep, reading. at brasov two foreigners got on the train, a man and a woman. in predeal he got off to take some pictures but the train started moving and he had to run after it :))) it was pretty funny. he managed to get on the train. from that poin on we started talking and it was easier top pass the time. his wife gabe him this trip as a birthday present so he and his colleague traveled through romania and were planning to visit bulgaria before they returned in england. ..bla bla bla..arrived in bucharest twenty minutes late, got home...

the aftermath

remember the wet room thing? well her computer got wet too so her screeen stopped working. that meant no internet contact for us. we made up for this exchanging tones of daily messages. on the 27th, after three pretty long weeks, i'll be going there again :D.

so pretty much this is my mega update and stuff ..seee ya!

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