Saturday, September 30, 2006


remember this?

as i was climbing the stairs i got an sms from my "wife", but that's a whole other story. maybe i'll blog about it some day

well, it seems that "some day" is today.

in the beginning there were no words

our paths crossed on roportal and at first i only read some of her posts and that's it. no other interactions. she had a strange behaviour.. she seemed to be very smart but always got into fights with other users and usually she was the one starting everything. she was not shy at all and the language would get offensive pretty quick. so, one day i decided to ignore her on the forum's chat. done, no more words from her. soon, the chat became pretty annoying because whenever she entered i couldn't "see wht she wrote and all the answers directed to her only confused me more. so, after a few tries i managed to unignore her. i guess that was it. we started talking. she proposed :p, as in me thw wife :p but i said that maybe it would be a better idea if she were the wife.

some time passed and we didn't speak, until one day, someone gave her my id. so it began. at first it was mostly fooling around, pretending we were a married couple and stuff. i discovered a different person from the one on the forum. a person you can begin to actualy like. the forum is just another playground for her. many people don't know who they're dealing with so they fall in her trap. she has quite a number of "victims" :p. and so we went for weeks talking almost every day. it developed into quite a steady thing with webcam sessions.

she's a fan of luna amara (bitter moon) and they were going to have a concert in bucharest on the 29th of september (last night) so she decided to come. only one problem: where was she going to stay for the night? i wasn't sure if i could but i offered and eventualy got my mother to agree (simpler that i thought it would be)she arrived thursday evening after a 8 and a half long train ride from cluj. poor girl was very tired. it was setttled that she would sleep with me because my brother said that he comes home too tired from work to share the bed. hey, i didn't mind, thanks bro :D. neither did she, she said she didn't want to sleep alone, and we're al grown peole here... well, a gentleman never tells but i can share this secret with you: at one point my lips were numb :D.the next day we were both pretty tired because we didn't get much sleep. she said that it's my fault, but we both know that we're both to "blame" :D. we woke up pretty early but stayed in bed for a couple of hours..(insert whistling). after officialy waking up we went outside. we saw some exhibits about the francophony summit, and some paintings and then went for a walk through cismigiu park. after that took a little walk to the roman square, and since we were there we went to the uni to check if they displayed on the board the new groups for the third year. well, they were still renovating and because Reea was tired we didn't search anymore and went straight home. in the evening we met with some people she new from another forum. crazy dudes. had a tone of laughs with them. luna amara was playing towards the end of the show and we weren't so kean to see the other bands so we decided to leave and come back later. but we were 7 poeple and we couldn't all fit in the car, so 2 guys took a ride in the trunk. whenever we stoped at an intersection we would signal them and they would start screaming and banging. i remember the shocked face of a woman in a bus next to us =)).a lot of stupid and crazy things ahappend that night. we got back to the club but luna amara wasn't on stage so we started having fun our own way: mocking the band on stage and fighting with popcorn. when the band we were all there for took the stage we went in front. the show was kick ass great. unlike when they played at stufstock this show was angrier, more energetic. ofcourse there was some agitation and i was kicked and shouved while protecting Reea from pogo, but as long as she was allright i didn't mind that. after that we went in fire club and danced a while but it was to crowded and full of smoke so we decided to get back home. took a cab and that was it for the night.

today we didn't do very much. we both managed to get some sleep. because the sun was shinning and reea has sensitive skin we didn't go out. instead we wached a movie, bitter moon (not related to the before mentioned band) just like i suspected, she was a good person to see a movie with. we both comented on it, not just me (as it usualy happens :P) took her to the station. after seeing the train i remebered that not anyone can travel first class like i do, and the prospect of her soending almost 9 hours in there didn't make me happy. neither the dubios guys that were inside. we kissed good bye for about 4 times before i actualy left.
she's still in the train. in 2 hours she will arive in cluj. i'm kinda busy and her computer is dismantled because she's renovating her house so i guess i'll talk with her again in a couple of days.

after comment : it seems my mom wasn't so thrilled. Reea was tired and a little stressed and she usualy doesn't eat too much and not everything. my mom on the other hand tried to be a gracious host but she stressed herself with cooking and stuff. i don't get it, and i didn't approve the fact that she comented about food. ofcourse my parents managed to embaras me with their "cute" remarks. eh.. i guess it's generation gap issue..

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

mom, i'm at the match, i might not return

sad, but true. that's a message written by a group of football fans after some incidents between the police and suporters. last wednesday dinamo and steaua, romania's top two teams played their eternal derby in the championship. dinamo won 1-0 with a goal scored in the 92nd minute. there was a debate about the reffereee who had some malicious decisions against steaua.

but the reff is not my concern here.some fotball teams in romania have a history of rivalry with each other, dinamo and steaua are rivals since their very beginnings. some dinamo fans threw torches into steaua fans and they got very angry. the police came into play to calm them but they only managed to provoke them even more. the conflict escalated after the game. fans were hunted on the nearby streets and beaten with brutality by the police. they even used tear gas from close range and rubber bullets. 37 people were imediately sent to the emergency rooms of two hospitals, including wemen and kids. the vicepresident of steaua was outraged and organised a press conference. everybody jumped, but it seems they forget that this is not the first time such things happen. it is extremely sad but football had it's share of violent episodes in the past. after almost all the derbyes between steaua, dinamo and rapid fans are either attacked by the ones from the other team or by the police. the police say that they are stopping fans gone amoc but all to often they end up beating innocent bystanders too. the teams rivalry has taken over the stands and away games at certain teams stadiums have a certain degree of danger. i never go to a match against steaua or dinamo because i live in a neighbourhood that's far from my team's stadium and i don't consider the trip safe being through "enemy teritory". i remember coming back from a game in 1999. we had one against f.c. national with 3-1 and we climbed on the first place and eventually won the title. anyway, i was in the troley with my brother when at an intersection we met with a group of steaua fans. i had nothing on to identify me as a rapid fan(and my brother is a steaua fan) but there were other poeple who got in a dispute with the group. they were ten times more that we so they attacked. they used pepper spray, destroyed the troley and kicked the ass of every fan they could get their hands on. except some stinging in the throat, nose and eyes from the peper spray i was allright and got away from there as quickly as i could. a friend of mine, who is a dinamo fan, told me about how the local gipsy clans were chasing them with swords on the streets of ploiesti.dnamo and universitatea craiova fans are arch enemies. a few years ago craiova fans were attacked when they arrived in bucharest and almost all their flags were destroyed. this year two craiova fans were stabbed in bucharest, and two steaua fans in timisoara. when rapid played against steaua in the uefa cup increased security measures were taken and nothing happened. after that dinamo played against steaua and their fans clashed on the streets because security wasn't as high as the prevoius games. so i guess the only way to prevent these kind of things from happening is to keep police in the strrets, but also to punish any abuse made by them.

i like going at matches. i like it even more when the stadium is packed and everybody sings. its magical. all those flags, the scarfs the banners the coreography, the confetti, the songs. there are many people who feel just like me. i believe that a fans job is to go at the game, cheer for his team and create hell for the other side. by hell i mean creating a feaning roar and boo-ing and whistleing them. violence has nothing to do with sports. the stadium is not the place for family picnics but neither is it for gang fights. it's a place where you go to see the most beautiful game and to create an awesome show in the stands. i don't know about other teams but i can tell you about rapid fans because i go to almost all of the matches played home. sadly, i noticed that most of them hardly sing or mess up the songs but when it comes to making trouble they are the first. the leaders are trying to stop this. they are making plees to keep the cursing to a minimum and to stop causing trouble. some idiots throw lighters in the field and then our stadium gets suspended and no more game for anyone. that happend last year.i was pretty angry because i missed two games because of that. if you do not come to sing, to clap, to help your team then you shouldn't be there at all. there are other places in the stadium where "old people" sit. i'm proud to be a fan to wear my teams scarf. if i come home with a sore throught and extremely tired it's ok because i know i gave everything i got to cheer for my team

we should learn from the english. after all they're the ones who invented huliganism so they have the best ways to keep it at bay. i want to enjoy many more matches from now on

Sunday, September 24, 2006


prologue- i hate rain!

i only managed to sleep for about six hours. and it wasn't a very good sleep 'cause it rained all night and it bugged me. my brother got up at about 8 and that was it for my sleep. i hate rain. i hate the dim grey light, the clouds, the annoyng sound. i hate it because of the opportunities i missed because of it. i hate because the streets get flooded and my jeans always get dirty. i hate the chill in the air, that's how i cought this darn cold. stupid autumn rain. stupid autumn. my birthday is in autumn and i guess it's like that so i can at least have one joy in this gloomy season. some people like autumn because they can meditate. well, being alone with my thoughts seems to be a very dangerous sport for me lately, so there you go another reason to hate the rain. as much as i hate waching the rain i hate it even more when i'm outside. and i had to go to the super market to buy some stuff. i was tired, ill and i had to wait around so i got bored too. i was nervous that we hadn't planned anything for the coming night. oh yeah, i forgot to mention that it was tiamat concert night. yeah.. well, finally we got our act together and managed to set up a time and place to meet. with whom? with ana, iulia and some friend of theirs.

feast for eddie

we met as planned. nobody knew for sure where the place was so we got out of the tram and walked a while, but we followed the crowd and everything was honkey dorey :p. at the entrance we received a flyer about some protest concert that will be held in october. it seems that the parliament is about to discuss a law that prohibits any offence brought to religion. it is feared that this will lead to a wave a censorship that will affect books movies, plays and rock concerts.
ilya came a little later but we managed to meet, only to get separated again :p
the concert was held in a sports center, not very big.
two bands opened for tiamat. first one was kratos. well, they didn't impress me very much. the sound was dreadfull at the first songs and their style growling with chick isn't quite my favourite. the girls at the sinthesizer was cute, and they also had a girl play the flute for a couple of songs. me and my brother went to buy beers.there was a pretty long line, after al it was a rock concert.when we got back the second band was allready on the stage, grimegod. i was surprised to find out they're romanian. i thought that they were foreigners, but both bands were from romania. grimegod was noticeably better that kratos. another style something towards hardcore, better sound, better voice, and a little more action on the stage. i mean the singer jumped around, banged his head..pretty cool. something to look for when i feel like banging my head against the walls :p.
i went to the bathroom and then searched for ilya. as usual i was on another planet and i was searching for her in the wrong place but she saw me and it was ok :D. it was break time. we talked about this and that, past concerts, future concerts. i expressed for the hundreth time my desire to see a maiden concert. it was nice :). and then the lights went down and tiamat took the stage. the crowd imediately started screaming. i took the daring quest of getting back to my wasn't easy but somehow i managed to get through the crowd.
now it was time for the real show. tiamat drove the crowd wild. "it's about time we all stand up and vote for love" shouted the singer.very cool concert, a professional band a very ethusiastic audience. just like in placebo's case i'm not familiar with all their work but they played some of the songs i knew and my favourite "wings of heaven". very active crowd, they clapped their hands shouted and used their lighters during the ballads. when the band came for the encore people were clapping and chanting but they stopped when the singer got to the microphone." no, don't stop. we like it when you do that. we like it very much" ,he said and the crowd imediately cheered. they sang three or four songs including the sleeping beauty, which i like better live, and gaia which was the one that ended the show

epilogue- into the blackness!

after the concert we rounded up everyone and started walking home. we were planning to walk for as much as we can and then take a taxi cab for the last part of the trip. but it seems that things were not supposed to go as planned. my brother met a friend of his from brasov. she was suposed to meet with a friend in a club, but she had no idea how to get, my brother offered to take her there. of course that meant that i would take her there because my brother doesn't know bucharest as well. i told the girls that we had to escort our friend and asked them if they would manage on their own. they said it was cool so we went on our way towards the club. this was a real test for my orientation skills. i had to remember certain bits of the road and it took me some time and a couple of misses to finaly get to our destination. we dropped her at the club, walked for a while and then took a cab home.
when i arrived home i turned on my computer to copy some movies my brother brought. knowing that some of my friends are night owls too i started yahoo mess. well, it seems the girls weren't so cool after all. i found an off line message from iulia saying that she is really mad with me because i dissapointed her again, and maybe we shouldn't go anywhere together since i can't be depended on. instant depression, just ad memories. i felt like a black veil fell over me and darkened everything. i really took it bad and all those depressive thoughts that i believed i had left behind came back to haunt me again. at first i apologised and explained that it wasn't my fault, but as my mood got even darker i started writing more and more. i tried to spit out as much as i could but i was tired and lost my line of thoughts. i wrote almost anything that came to mind then ... i was miserable, because i realised that i'm not free. my demons just wait for the right oportunity to strike again. into the blackness i went again..let's hope that i only went to close the door.....

Saturday, September 16, 2006


last night i went to see my favourite romanian band, travka, in concert. this has been the fourth time i've seen them live and in two weeks time there will be another concert :D. i went with her, black, and her sister. well, black came later in the club. it was my second time in club utopia. the first time i went there i got stuck in the bathroom, not a very pleasant event :)))). at first there weren't many poeple but it got crowded near the beginnig of the concert. dogma openned for them. never heard of them. they got a chick singer, she's cute, but the sound guy kinda messed with her voice and we kept hearing apologies between songs.

a little break and then it's time for what everyone came there for: travka.

flashback- some years ago i was watching alternative nation on mtv tromania. and they had the alternative competition in which bands would perform live and the viewers would pick a winner. the winning band would have a video made by mtv. i have no idea who won but among the bands i noticed one i realy liked. it was called travka. i made a mental note tp remeber this band, but of course i forgot about it :p. a few months i noticed a status on yahoo messenger..something about a dwarf. it was weird. i asked what it is and i got a song: travka-zambetul tau (your smile) hey, i know this..i remember this name. and that's how it started. to this day i can't remember what they played all those years ago but i know i liked it and i know i like them very much right now.

they changed their intro part. this one was ok but i was waiting for the one i knew because i like it very much. then georhe, the singer took the mike and the concert really began. i was expecting some more songs from the newly released album (actualy, have some doubts they released it, altough there are new tracks...) but they enchanted us with their most popular songs. well, i say popular, but i mean popular amongst the fans which aren't that many. on the more faster songs poeple got wild and there was some pogo. unfortunately some dude was overeacting, the singer saw that stopped the concert and told him to get out. of course that guy was imediately evacuated. they took a five minute break and then took the stage again. who-hoo..great songs. sadly, iulia and ana had to leave because iulia wasn't feeling good :(. eh she's ok now, altough she gave me a little scare. so it was only me and black. well, he joined the pogo crowd and i was standing in a corner screaming my lungs out on my favourite songs. it's really nice to see the bands you like perform live in front of you. it's such a great feeling when you recognise a song from the first guitar squicks :p. as usual when they left everybody wanted more, and they delivered an encore, and they were really gone. i'm looking forward to that concert on the 27th in club a :).

on the way back i walked a great deal of the road with black. after we got separated i took a cab home. it wasn't very far from my home and i could have walked but i had an unpleasant happening some time ago and i wasn't going to risk a god night turning into a bad one. i was lucky too. the cabby charged me the normal fee, considering the distance was quite short for bucharest. as i was climbing the stairs i got an sms from my "wife", but that's a whole other story. maybe i'll blog about it some day.
got home, turned on the computer... the usual....

a fine evening at the stadium

here i am again, thursday evening, match day in the uefa cup :D
after we disposed of sk sarajevo, we were playing against nacional madeira from portugal. the name didn't tell me much, but so did our game so i didn't know what to expect. but i was confident that in front of a packed stadium (as packed as it can get, considering that half of it is closed for repairs) rapid has no problem winning

i had allready purchased the ticket monday so i wasn't stressed.i arrived there an hour early to catch a good seat where i usualy stand. i changed my location after i saw gullit. it's not that different being with someone at the stadium. he is pretty active too, not that i care anymore what people around me do, because i sing constantly.

the fans prepare for the game.two drums are brought right where we stand. the team's song is played on the speakers and everybody holds their scarf up or waves a flag and ofcourse they sing. i love it when the entire stadium sings. te game begins.rapid is atacking at the goal towards us not to the other one as they usualy do. i wonder, is this bad luck? rapid lacks some clarity especialy near the goal so we only get to see some misses in the first minutes. but wait,moldovan, good old number 99 gets the ball dribles once and shoots to the far corner..GOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!! everybody is extatic. the goal came well, ten minutes before the break to shatter the adversaries morale.

during the break i pop in some music..aahh.. i love my mp3 player. let there be rock :D.

second round begins. rapid starts to take control of the game but the portuguese still manage to attack. i noticed they have some black players that are pretty dangerous if left alone. rapid is all over them but they keep missing the target. zicu doesn't score today either (when wil he score? we're getting sick of him)so he gets replaced. maldarasanu get's sent in to the end of the game and everybody screams his name. it's good to have him back after over 150 days of absence . the game is going our way, but no more scoring. the game ends, the team salutes the fans. we're happy but we would have been happier with two or three goals scored. a tough game awaits us sunday with steaua. every game against them is hard but since they crushed dinamo kiev in the champions league their morale is excellent. let's hope that constantin recovers until then. mazilu, the new striker is a very good player, let's hope he can do what zicu and griffiths didn't manage to do.
i got home extremely tired.. but happy that it was a fine evening at the stadium
i'm definitely looking forward to more european games

Friday, September 15, 2006

night out part...i forgot...check the old blog :p

so, the season of the fall begins (lake of tears :D )and the summer break draws to an end. and the clubs start reopening in bucharest. right now it's 1:12 a.m., friday, and ofcourse i didn't change the time settings on the blog :p. anyway, wednesday i went to club a foar an entire night of rocking my brains out :D (wish they would invent smilies for the blog, 'cause i'm too lazy to import them).

this time i wanted to go with a friend of mine from the uni. and i did, yay for me! deea couldn't make it 'cause her parents wouldn't let her, so basically it was only me and boris (not his real name, just a nick)got in touch with my colleague and he said he would come.

i went shopping and some stuff, including pizza and chicken drum sticks, yummy. me and my brother ate the pizza's while the chicken was roasting in the oven smothered in red wine, double yummy :P. i heard of some recipes were you replace the wine with bear. wonder how that is? i'm guessing it's delicious so i'll try it one day :).

back to the main story
after eating i saw a movie with sherlock holmes, interesting.
i met with boris and we arrived in club a at about 7:40 p.m. boris has laringites and can't drink anything except plain water so i was waiting for cosmin to show up so i can have a drinking partner. plus, those guys from the bar cheat you out of the change,the customers know this and they buy 2 beers at once. i was the man with the cash 'cause both of them were short. two girls also came but appart from the fact that they were cute there isn't much to be said because they just sat all night looking as bored as possible :p

when cosmin arrived i was stunned:p...he has a mustache now.. his former room mates call him "the mexican" =)). hope he shaves it because he looks ridiculous with it. we talked about school, about what i did in vama veche and 10 o'clock rockultura started with the usual projection. but this time it wasn't a concert. it was a mix of videos from some bands, didn't recognise any of them. it started off pretty bad with some dreadful black metal bands (bleah). i mean, not only did they sound awfull but they looked hilarious with that stupid black and white make up. i remember one video, it was probably a incredibly low budget one. the camera was filming in a cemetery, some blond guy apeared now and then. a guy fliped us the bird, then the cemetery again. absolutely stupid.

the fun part started with bells, that's right bells: metallica-for whom the bell tolls. such an awesome song. cosmin got some beers in to get himself in the mood. i didn't need any, only good songs and i got plenty of those. there was maide, system, sepultura, ac/dc, dream evil, blind guardian, some more maiden, metallica, awesome start. me and cosmin banged like crazy :D. too bad it didn't continue like that. at one point it started to play a lot of black and death and then i got bored too. luckily i got some late action with alma mater and tari ca muntii :).

another night of rocking was over, cosmin left a bit earlier than 5, me and boris went to the tram station as always. i got home, got undressed and collapsed on the was fun :D

Monday, September 11, 2006

late night post

it's 1:31 a.m..probably this post will show another hour but i'm too darn lazy to change the settings. this is the late night post that comes out of a state of being kind of sick and tired. am not drunk but i drank just enough to spark this ;p, otherwise no blog from me.

i realise for the hundreth time that i'm still clinging on to the past. and ofcourse, every now and then the past catches up with me and ruins my mood. all those stupid thoughts in my head, and the way i keep complicating things. it kinda pisses me off. it's all in my head, i know that all to well, but hey, it's in and it's staying there. and the thing i hate the most is that the past can somehow affect the future and i really don't want tu fuckup again.

wish i could take something, or wake one morning and not remember anything. the worst of it passed, but the tip of the dagger is still there poisoning me

had a good time tonight, drank with some friends, ate stake, played cards, had some laughs, i'm able to have fun, my life goes on, but there are moments when the old depression comes back to mind. why? probably 'cause i'm stupid and i uselesly complicate my life

this is just a stupid rant made by a stupid person about a stupid person so it's recomended you don't take it seriously :p

i'll be back!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

stufstock 2006

this post is kind of over due, but better late than never.
exactly one week ago i went to the stufstock festival. now, let's take it from the beginning. stufstock was originally started to help preserve the seaside resort of vama veche, to keep it as untouched by the tourist industry as possible. it was a succes so this year it was the 4th edition of the festival.until now it was free, but i guess after seeing the succes it has the organisers decided to sell tickets..well sort of, they were a paper thingy around your wrist. the cool thing about them is that they are water resistant. you can imagine how stupid it would be not to be able to take a bath in the sea because you want to see the festival

before the holiday i talked with a friend of mine and we decided that we'll go together to the festival. summer passed and we didn't keep in touch. i was anxious to go to the seaside and decided to go with my brother..tomorrow. but then another friend asked me if i want to go with her to stufstock. i called cosmin but he couldn't make it. finally it was settled that i would go with another person. in the last moment we were three. me, crina and cristina, a friend of deea.(complicated, no? :p )not without some adventures we got on the 17:48 train to mangalia. over 5 hours to mangalia and then a 15 minute trip by mini van to vama veche.

i have never been to vama veche and i was really excited to see it because everybody who went there praised it. and it didn't disapoint me at all. because of the chilli weather and the newly introduced tickets to the festival it wasn't as crowded as it had been in the years before. several clubs in bucharest move to vama veche in the summmer, even those that are not as welcomed as the rock ones, like bavaria which erected a huge building that everybody hates. also someone had the "brilliant" idea of organising "liberty parade" there, but they had trouble with the usual groups that comes there formed mainly of rockers. native to vama veche are "la epava" (the shipwreck" and la "pirati" i really like them because thei're plain and simple: three walls, a bar, tables and chairs, boose, and rock :). but unfortunately you can't find the exact same thing in bucharest :(.

after securing tickets and a place to stay we went to the festival wich had allready started at five in the afternoon.the festival was divided into two main stages and spread along 3 days. day one and two were for rock on the marina park stages and folk at the "soni stage" . day three was jazz night in "marina park" we missed nine bands and i feel sorry for blazzaj, e.m.i.l., kumm, and zob. the bands alternated on two stags, when one was singing the next was preparing so there was very few time between two bands. we arrived at subscribe, a hardcore band from hungary which also opened for deftones at their romanian concert. lots of screaming and jumping around, that's what i got from them :p. urma was ok, don't know many songs from them but they're interesting. alternosfera is a band i like and they impressed not only through performance, especially instrumental, but through video projections. and then came o.c.s. meaning omul cu sobolani (the man with rats) almost everybody came there for them. they managed to give a pretty good performance, fans were not disapointed. so ends the first night of the festival, but we stayed up a little more and drank some wine.

day two, saturady. in the morning it rained. i could hear the rain pouring outside and i didn't lke that because i wanted to enjoy some sun or maybe a bath. when we got up you couldn't tell it had been rainig just hours before.the only incovenience was the wind that was blowing and chilling everything.after eating something we went on the beach. later on it got warmer and i had my long awaited swim in the sea :D.
the second festival day started at five but while the girls were taking a walk on the beach i went there at about eight to see travka, my favourite romanian band:D i skipped havoc, protest urban, icory, defect and i arrived when grimus was still playing. i was impressed by them. glad i got there early, this way i could stand close to the stage when travka sang. and finally they came.they started with their usual intro (wich i absolutely love) and then came the song travka, one of my faves. they also played songs from their latest album so i didn't sing along to them but they sounded good and we got a little taste of the crowd pleasers. travka doesn't have many fans, altough i think the're great compared to other bands, but at least they are loyal. we all felt bad when they left, but that's life:p. anyway, next week i'll see them in concert again :D. next came magica, some kind of romanian nightwish. we left to go to the folk stage. but there was no room inside and you couldn't hear much outside so we went to drink a beer at"la epava" we got back to see implant pentru refuz finish. they also opened for deftones, so you can pretty much guess what they're singing :p. then came altar a pretty angry band :p. i have a friend who's a fan, it's too bad we wasn't there to trully apreciate the moment. the moment that everyone was waiting for was getting closer. phoenix, the monsters of romanian rock took the stage and drove the crowd wild. i've heard different opinions about their performance but i, as someone who is only vaguely familiar with their songs, got a pretty good impresion. the gods left, enter gandul matei (cat's thought) another band i like a lot. no new albums from them so i got to listen a lot of the songs i like :D. i was beginning to get tired and it was cold outside so they were just the thing to liven up the fans..well, again, few fans but loyal.another band i was waitng forward to seing was luna amara (bitter moon). but i'm sad to say that they were the disapointment of the evening and probably of the festival. everybody wanted to hear their angrier songs, instead they killed us with ballads. when they finally sang a great song their concert was over :(. i don't know how target, the last band, sang because i ,and almost everybody there, left the ends stufstock for me

after that i stayed on the beach with cristina to see the sunrise. we met with some people and hanged out, drank some beer..and when we finally remembered why we were there the sun was allready up :p. we didn't get any sleep at all because we left early for mangalia to take a train back home.
well, that's pretty much it. i had fun and i want to return next year with more people :D ....................................-waiting for the sunrsise-

-people are still having fun at eight o'clock in the morning in vama veche-

Monday, September 04, 2006

rest in peace mate!

today september 4th i found out that steve irwin a.k.a. the crocodile hunter, died of a heart arrest due to a puncture to his heart after being stung by a manta. he leaves behind a wife, two beautiful children and hours upon hours of wildlife footage. he spent all his life surounded by animals and always tried to make others realise how important nature is. he was crazy about those crocs and he even named his daughter bindi after aq crocodile. i enjoyed his shows and liked his joyful spirit, that aussie accent is killer. it's too bad he had to die but i don't think anyone saw him dying of old age. at least he died doing what he loved the man may have died but his spirit will live on.

r.i.p., crikey !!

p.s. : this is my first post ever to contain pictures. i wanted it to be about something else but steve deserves this "honour"

one happy family

say cheese !!