Sunday, January 28, 2007

smooth sailing

aargh matey! listen up ya'll land lobbers as me tells you the great and unheard tales regarding the feats of captain sera..argh..:p
yup, i'm a pirate alright. i have entire discographyes off the internet.
started with arch enemy. why? well, i heard one of their songs and altough i'm not into death metal i liked it. so i said i'll give it a try, and now i don't regret the choice. i like them :). i contitnued with rammstein and kreator. rammstein are "old friends" so they're ok but kreator are quite new. alas, i'm a little disapointed with them. also got deftones. another good choice. i may not like all their songs but i like many:). today i got an album from bruce dickinson :D.
that's it for music, now off to the game part. i got rome total war with an expansion because i felt the urge to play it again. got gothic 2 because it made me super curious but i can'r seem to manage the controls..pff..guess i'm stupid:p last but not least i got neverwinter nights platinum edition and this brings me to the very fact i wanted to speak about in this post: exams
you may ask what do games have to do with exams? well, absolutely's just that i did all this downloading and playing while in my exams session at the university :p.

now let's get on with the story...
last year, before winter break began, i had a lot of projects and stuff to translate for uni and i was suposed to study for the coming exams in january. yeah right.. did no such thing, not during the holiday season anyway. i wasn't a total bum, i did some work for my actual work :p it doesn't make sense, does it? well, now i have a job. not the kind where you go into an office and pretend you're working for 8 hours, or even for 8 hours. i sit at home and translate books. well, it's one book actualy but i'm confident that more will follow if i do a great job on this one :) so, i did soe translating because i had a deadline to keep.
as fo uni, i had a subject which required two projects if i wanted to be allowed to take the exam. i didn't do them before the break, couldn't do them during the break because the bloody university library was closed, and didn't have much time and didn't feel like doing them after that. so scratch one subject for me. i'll see this one in summer. as fot the other projects and translations i did them in the last day before they were due, sometimes staying up late into the night..very nasty but i managed to pull it off :)

the first exam was on january 12th and it was at audit.i went to only two classe and i was 40 minutes late at one of them :p. our group only had one seminary..or maybe two..don't know because i haven't attended any of them. i had 15 back and front papers with courses for this subject. gave them a very quick, very casual glance and that was it. i arrived at the examm bent on cheating or failing. it was suposed to take place i a classroom that will never contain al the students in my series. me, some of my friends and some other people were left out so we went into another classroom. the teacher was not in a good mood but we got supervised by another lady that was much nicer so..i passed with flying colours :d maximum grade and i couldn't have done it without fungus, andreea and cristina..hey guys..hugs, fungus :)

next came the dreaded gip or investment management.both the course and the seminary are very early in the morning so i wasn't to keen on attending. wel, i went to most of them, but because i go to sleep very late i managed to fall asleep one time. the teacher saw me, the other students laughed..:p the course is a mix of hard and weird. have the book but didn't get pass the first chapter. there were several types of exercises and i only knew one. i just said geronimooo and plunged in :p. guess i was lucky. i solved one exercise about 3 or 4 times before finaly getting it right. and i got fungus read me the results for the grids from a girl that had the same subjects as me. got the minimum passing grade..phew..
next, budget and treasury. i attended most of the courses and seminaries but i was there and still wasn'r if you know what i mean. during courses i would talk with my buddy, cosmin and we'd laugh and stuff :p. i took two test papers and i got pretty good marks at them :). at the exam there were grids. good. the teacher made them on 4 numbers. bad, because neither fungus, andreea nor crisitna, whom were strategicaly seated in front of me had the same subjects. but i managed. half of them i did by myself and the other half were kindly donated by the guy behind me in excange for giving him his answers :p. got a decent mark at this one too.
m.s.p. in romanian or public service management for you english speaking folk. this guy had such a boring way of teaching, and his class was the last at the end of a very early starting day so i was always very sleepy and never paying any atention. finaly decided not to go at all. photocopied the courses from fungus. i had some laughs reading them there were comments on the sides and stupid little drawings and notes like "the explanation in andrea's course" "drawing in andreea's course" and so on. still can't call this studying. once again we were in two classrooms. i was seating in the first desk right on the edge so any hopes of sneaking a peak at the courses inside my desk shattered. but never fear when friends are near. andreea showed me some and i wrote a little from what i knew so i managed to come up with something deservant of a passing grade. combined with points from the seminary which i attended regularly and not in vain it should result into a decent mark.
the psycosociology of change. this exam was today. well, we all cheated..not much to be said about this one. we knew it would be like this.
for me the exams are over but most of my coleagues still have public management ahead. the worst exam of them all. i faile it before entering the examination room because i didn't submit those blasted projects. oh well, we shall meet in summer.
that's was smooth sailing and i have to be grateful for that. while others studied and were stressed with exams i was playing and being stressed with the fact that some torrent isn't dowloading or that my computer crashes every time i play neverwinter nights. funny and sort of sad story with me playing neverwinter. my cooler is a ye bit old and tired it seems so whenever my computer does something demanding, such as a complex game it overheats and shuts down. so, whenever i decide to play the game i put on some thicker clothes and open the window :p.
i remember wishing for january and the exams to be over. well, that time i so desperately wished for finaly came :) i'm not totaly free as i still have work to do and i am bound to the deadline by a contract, but i still have time for fun :D
so, fun for me and fun for you because i don't like being surounded by depressed people :p

p.s. the pictures show by order of apearance: arch enemy, bruce dickinson, deftones, a screenshot from rome total war during a batle (not from my computer), my character from neverwinter nights :)( he is curently in the seedy tavern in the docks district invetigating the bloodsailor gang :p) and someone's hand writing something :p

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