Monday, January 08, 2007

not another update!!!

yup..another update
ran out of ideas for my blog.. guess i'll just blurt out some of the things that happened.
was complainig about new years. well, on christmass day i got my wish fulfiled. a few days later my wish crumbled again..damn it..hate it when i'm right.
what can i say..blame it on the weather, blame it on the trains, blame it on fate.. i lived, i always live. :P
bottom line is that i didn't get to spend new year's with her but it wasn't bad the way it turned out.just four people who managed to have a mini party :). not much to report. got pics, even got movies. too bad we didn't take pictures of the sea. yes, i spent new years on the shores of the black sea at my virtual sister's house.
my former english teacher from uni put a good word at a publishing and now i'm close to land a contract with them for the position of translator. already translated several chapters from a book. hope it will turn out ok because i need the money. plus. it's something to do and it counts as work experience.
as far as school goes..don't even want to think about it. january will be full of exams and other stressful stuff..can't wait for february to come.. one week off from uni.
yup, february. i had plans for february, and i still do. just that they are a little altered. want to travel away, far find something. something wonderful i hope. we'll see.
yup, we'll see. i seem to be in a strange mood lately. it's like i'm sedated. i live just to live but i don't seem to do it very intensly. guess it's some state of boredom or something. dunno, it's like nothing makes me happy anymore. i mean truly happy. few things managed to get me in a state of euphoria.
state of euphoria..well, today i was euphoric..yup, i can say that. why? it's a secret for some, it's not for others. and it will stay this way. don't ask, just be happy 'cause i'm happy (hello again my dear readers :p )
guess that's it.
p.s. picture were chosen by deni :)

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