Tuesday, October 31, 2006

kinda bored

i'm freakin' bored right now. not much hapening on the forum, my yahoo list is empty, or better said, filled with people that i don't want to talk to.i'm chewing on a tooth pick. lotr soundtrack is playing on winamp... deni isn't on yahoo, but there is gtalk for just such ocasions. i've been bugging her to write a blog and altough she said she has stuff (hey, reea is on :D ) to write about she doesn't feel like it. well, i don't have speciffic rants in mind and i don't want to do another narative post. i'm not the kind of guy that writes down everything he has done. i preffer thoughts and stuff but inspiration doesn't come as often as i would like it to. (pink floyd-see emily play) reea isn't answering just yet.. eh.. thinking of moderating music. hope i'll not regret it:p. there used to be more action on the music subforum but right now it's pretty quiet. let them come and i shall smite them with cartman's bataan :))) respect my authority !!! :p. hey, deni just said she's writing..cool. definetly her post will be superior..tough luck on you reader (how many people do read my blog? hey dudes, if you're reading this please post a commment just to say you've read it if nothing else :p) tomorrow is my day off from uni..hooray..no more getting up at 6 am (man i hate that!!! ) (lotr soundtrack again) . i'm wondering wether to put pictures or not. i've rediscovered the pleasure of reading. finished a book called suffocation by chuck palahniuk (the dude who wrote fight club) and right now i'm asking friends for books. reading sure beats fucking up my eyes in front of the computer :p. the weather outside is chilly (not frightfull :)) ) and i saw on tv that it's allready snowing in some parts of the country and apparenlty it will snow in bucharest too. time to bring out the winter outfit. i don't exactly look forward to freezing my ass off in the morning. told oli i was going to buy her a scarf. in the previous post there's a picture with me, oli and a scarf, you can't miss it. yes, she is also a rapid fan :D. she's moderator on the movie section of the forum. she really knows her arty stuff as in books, movies and even painting.right now i'm debating a word with deni. english is not our mother tongue(obviously :p) and certain words pop a little harder into our minds. i write in english so i can be available to a wider audience, and i can't forget about roger (hi roger!) (talking with reea now :D )..hmm.. think i'll finish this here. can't wait to see what deni wrote :)
until next time have a great life :)


Legendkeeper of Of said...

*puts up two fingers*
i read your blog

Anonymous said...

Evident ca eu n-o sa scriu in engleza, fiindca sunt patrioata si tin la limba mea materna. Mi se pare o lipsa de respect chestiunea asta cu limba. Scrii ca nu iti place sau preferi sa nu scrii despre ceea ce faci si tocmai asta faci. E cam penibil. Parerea mea. Mentionezi oameni care poate ar vrea sa nu fie mentionati, scrii despre ei fara voia lor intr-un spatiu public.

Rogeroo said...

hey i read too.