Friday, December 22, 2006

rants and stuff

first of all i would like to salute my fans )hey fungus, happy violation of my privacy :)))))) )
it's the holiday season. whoopy!!
well, i'm not in cheery extatic mood. not depressed or something like that just a bit annoyed and dissapointed. maybe it's too early to say but it seems the year won't end with the expected bang i wished for. during the holidays you're suposed to be with the ones dear to you. the ones i hold dear are far away.. there is someone i wish to spend new year's with but it seems i won't see her again until next year and i'm bummed. guess there is a certain compensation, i mean this year won't end in a spectacular fashion but the next one promises to have an interesting (if not pleasant) beginning. more details will follow..hopefuly. few chances to spend the end (of the year, but it sounds cooler just the end, no?) with loved one(s). what's left? bitch and moan :)))). here it goes:
i hate shopping. i hate shopping for clothes and shoes. i wander through the shops and my retina is molested by all the crappy things on display. curse mz pretentios tastes. for several years now i have been in conflict with fashion, or at least it's representation on the streets among let's call them common folk. stupid imitations of foreign things..hear this, there's a jeans brand called litfile big. you can't find something simple anymore. it's onlz the same crap everywhere with all these stupid features like cuts or inprints..or sparkly shiny stuff.. i dread having to buy clothes. i dream of having one indestructable pair of jeans that i would only have to wash every once in a while. today i went to buy jeans and i was reminded once again that i hate doing that. the place was crowded, abnoccious music, annozing people, crappy stuff... i looked around and finaly settled on a pair of jeans that isn't all to bad but still, i always have to search the hole place to find something acceptable. when we asked for a different feature they showed us a different model alltogether.. i'll be back when this pair breaks down..
the holidays..are corupt. all this consumerism. but that's not my main issue here. holidays in romania have some particularities (i hardly believe it's the same in other countries) we have =colindători= as in people that go from house to house singing and anouncing the birth of Christ and the new year. technicaly that should happen on christmass eve and on new year's eve but the romanian enterprising spirit cares not about tradition so you get them shortly after december begins and even well into january. it's either groups of deaf tone children or beggars. i was riding the metro a few years ago and at almost every station some beggars climbed aboard. it's incredible how many there are, or how there presence is more noticeable... there is this dude that for almost a year or maybe more says the exact same story , something about his mom who died eight months ago..eight months from now hell probably say the exact same thing. i don't give them money anymore.some other dude is perfectly able to walk and does so to get from cart to cart but when he gets inside he gets down on his butt and skids on the floor....
another holiday related thing..lights. there are some which sing. i really hate those. i have one but i turn the volume down. why? because their singing is awfull. they play gingle bells and we wish you a merry christmass but they sound so anemic (not anemic and sweet like knife party, yeah..i'm obsessed)..
hmmm...guess that's it for now. hope i didn't ruin anyones holiday spirit with my stupid rants.
have a very enjoyable holiday season all of you reading this :)

p.s. almost forgot to say that i installed romanian characters on my keyboard and as a result some keys are messed up and writting has become more challenging.
here's a taste of the newly instaled characters: â,î, ă, ş, ţ. i need them, otherwise i would have never installed them . too much trouble..

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