Tuesday, March 06, 2007

season start..sort of

this poor excuse for a winter is drawing to a close and the beginning of spring heralds the start of the football season. rapid's firts game was against poli timişoara (deni's hometown team). this was suposed to be a home game but becasue of soe incidents involving the fans the mach was suposed to take place at least 150 km from bucharest. it really sucked because i wanted to go to that game. the officials of the team wanted to play in braşov but the league dudes anused their power and forced the team to play atcraiova, a town which doesnât take kindly tp rapid fans. not that we take kindly to craiova fans. it was a little bit weird because on a stadium of about 35000 seats there were no more than 5000 fans divided in 3 sectors. one for rapid, one for poli, and one for the local fans who grabbed every oportunity they could to boo both teams. rapid and poli fans are brothers and me and deni are friends so a little wager was in place. if rapid won she would give me a poli scarf and i would give her a rapid scarf if poli won. rapid won 2-0 :D. now i'm waiting for that scarf to arrive so i can take it with me on the stadium. next came a cup game agains fc argeş. we advanced after extra time, again 2-0.
now we come to my start of the season. the next championship game was away at craiova. but they also had trouble with their fans and had to play the mach 150 km away. so the first home game was played nine hours by train away from me, nut the firts away was played only 10 minutes by tram from me :)))). you can imagine that i had to go. it's weird because altough it was played in our city it was considered away and we ad acces to a limited number of tickets. again the romanian ingenuity with two person tickets. luckily i hooked up with gullit who managed to score tickets saving me a trip all the way to our stadium. this game would be a good oportunity for me to "tes" my flag :D.
almost two hours before the start of the game i was siting in my room playing neverwinter (as i usualy do lately) when suddenly the phone rang. it was gullit. he was in front of the stadium and was waiting for me. he claimed that he'd told me that he would arrive early..well, i don't recall that.
now let's get technicall. every stadium is alligned on a north to south axis. rapid fans would sit in the northern part and craiova fans in the stands on the side across the official seats. the south part of the stadium is easier for me to reach, or so i think. so i went through the south. got off the tram and saw a crowd. you can imagine i was a little nervous when i saw they were not rapid fans and i had my scarf and flag that screamed "hey, a rapid fan" :p. well, didn't get too nervous because there was lots of police around. gullit called and i told him i'll get around the stadium to where he was. got to an entrance and a policeman stopped and asked for my ticket. it wasnât the entrance to the stands, it was just the alley surounding the stadium. told him my ticket is "expecting" me. he believed me after i got out my phone to call gullit. easy eoungh, i thought to myself and headed north along the stadium. well, not so easy. got stopped again by the police..what now? i was not allowed to go through there because it was near the players entrance...damn it. now i had to go around the whole stadium passsing by the entire craiova fans group while doing so. didn't see the look they gave me as i was trying to look focused on my way. got north. again police..dudeee..i was 10 meters away from the entrance and these guys wanted my ticket. called gullit for the hundreth time. only after 3 or 4 calls he finaly realised where i was and came to pick me up. again the weird feeling. this is the biggest stadium in romania with 60000+ seats and again there were not even 10000 fans present. the game was disapointing and it ended 0-0. all this fuss for a draw..damn.. they clearly showed that they couldn't score without extra time. well, this wasnât a cup game so a drwa was posible. i'm not going to buy season tickets because i'm not sure i'll be going to much more games on our stadium this season.. we're fighting for second place and the cup, seeing how dinamo virtualy won the championship in the first half.
ehh.. i miss those exciting uefa games..none of that this spring. none of the buterflies in the stomach either.. 2006 will go down in history as one darned year. let's hope that the ones to come will live up to its fame.

who i am

i'm kinda pissed right now. why? this has been an old isue in my head and i'm sure i'm not the only one who's ever thought about this. i'm reffering to the fact that some people seem to think they know us better than we do and have the nerve to tell us that we are wrong about something or that our actions are not what we are suposed to do. what the fuck? dudes, get this clear. nobody, and i mean nobody knows the real me, the entire me. some may know a big part of me, but believe me when i say that only i (and sometimes not even i) know. most of my curent aquintances have known me for 3 years max or not even that. should i remind you that i am 21 and maybe if you weren't there to witness certain aspects of my life it doesn't mean they weren't there and that they didnât influence who i am. i find myself frustrated sometimes because people donât seem to understand me. and when i state clearly what i want to say soe even have the nerve to say that they know better and that's not what i was actualy saying. no shit? the world is full of fucking mediums and fortune tellers. everybody else has this certain image about you and when you do something that doesn't quite fit the frame they jump and say "you know, he isn't acting like himself" really? who am i then? come on.. i would be curious if people came out with a list of things that i should or should not do to best match their image about me. no, i am not always all cheery and shit. i may snap at one point and ask people who have known me al my life and they'll tell you that my anger can get pretty intense. you push me, and i'll push back and at least at first i wont give a fuck if i hurt your feelings as long as i am annoyed. grow up, learn to be more careful and not sumarise people to quickly.
ok, it's not all bad. i feel that some persons around me are more mature and learn to deal with me without squishingme inside a box.
why this rant? because i managed to "disapoint" at least two persons today. one shouldn't really be pissed but hey, it's her business if she chooses to be that away. the other pushed me. don't push me because you'll only make me more stuborn and unreasonable. i do it on purpose because i hate being pushed into something.
respect me, and i'll respect you
enough said.
p.s. photo chosen by deni :)

cult meeting :p

ok..clearly all this time spent playing neverwinter night affected my brain in more than one weird way. but this is not about neverwinter(wow, what a shocker).
last tuesday i went to some concert with cosmin and some other people. the band was ok but seing that there was no entry fee the place was packed with fans. the free entry part is the reason i went there because altough i like the band i didn't have enough money to buy a ticket, drink a few beers and still have some left for wedensday when i wanted to go for yet another headbanging all nighter. after that we went to a club and because there was a sort of rock night me and cosmin decided to go downstairs to get wild :D. this is where the "cult" stuff begins :p. i saw cosmin talking to some chick. ok, i thought, she's picking him up or something. then he points at me. is she picking me up? neee..she's obviously selling something. finally she comes up (down more likely as i was sitting down enjoying my beer) and introduces herself. guess her name was claudia or something. i tend to forget names real quick after i meet someone. it's nothing personal as i tend to do this with virtualy everyone including incredibly hot chicks :p. she wasn't selling anything. she said she works for some project called "i do what i want but i know what i'm doing" and asked me if i was interested in coming to some meetings.this campaign is about sex and how to protect yourself against sexualy transmited diseases. the "polite and what the hell " me stepped in and said (what the hell) ok. gave her my cell phone number and was a little disapointed when i heard that some guy will call me to set the meeting. it was a chick who called me :p. if you donât know me very well, i'll explain what was going on in my head. imagie talking about sex with chicks :D. i'm so simple that i can be persuaded to do almost anything if it involves chicks :)))).
the first meeting was today and it just so happened that my uni program matched it perfectly (it wont be like this for the next meeting so i'm already thinking about ways to spend time..well, if the weather is right i may walk a portion of the road)
got close to the place i was suposed to find and i had some business to take care of first. called the publishing house and found out that my money still isnât coming and then i called my mom to let her know i'll be late.
found the place. wasnât expecting that building. i walk in and all i see is girls..damn..cute girls..oh, and a boy too :p. i was feeling like i eneded up on another planet at first. the boy left because he was at the second meeting and that was elsewhere. score one for me :)))))))))).later some other people showed up. girls and another two boys.nice people.
basicaly these meetings are some sort of awarenes and training sessions about sexualy transmited diseases. the main goal of the organization is to make sure that a certain percentage of the youth that goes to the clubs is informed and maybe they'll have a positive impact on the others. you see, romania is one of the first countries when it comes to sifilis and hiv infestations so this program is not at all something useles, or i hope it wont prove to be that way. there is a weird part about this. ok, i'll try to tell my friends to be carefull and stuff. but i disobeied these things myself. ok, i don't have to tell anyone i didn't use a condom but i still have a conscience that knows otherwise. thse meetings have some use because i think they really convince you unlike some random poster on the street or some flyer. plus they have soda and sanwhiches. mental note: make sure to eat some more, after all they are free and you must admit you were hungry :p.
got some nifty things too:p well, some small presies actualy but the child in merejoices anytime he gets something especialy if it's free :p (stuff is shown in pictures..yup, condoms. now all i have to do is find a use for them :p )i also have three cards that will give me 30% discount for testing.maye i should get tested to be on the safe side but these things cost and i return to the issue of my money which are still due..damn.
so this wasn't a bad choice for me. nice people, food, drinks, useful information.. ormaybe they used me for some sick twisted purpose and then hypnotised me to think i went to this nice meeting :)) so this is the cult link. why a neverwinter link? well, you can't walk too much in that game without finding a cult of some sort that plots some evil sheme . maybe they started out as nice meetings with nice people..who knows? :p